When it looks like I have failed…
What does it mean or what does it not mean?
Failure does not mean I am a failure.
It does mean I have not yet succeeded.
Failure does not mean I have accomplished nothing.
It does mean I have learned something.
“Something” like not to go down the same path I have just taken.
Failure does not mean I have been a fool to try.
It does mean I have faith in my convictions and the guts to experiment.
Failure does not mean I have been disgraced.
It does mean I dared to try when everyone says it is “impossible”.
Failure does not mean I am wrong.
It does mean I have done it in a different way.
Failure does not mean I am inferior.
It does mean I am not perfect and just as human as the next person.
Failure does not mean I should give up.
It does mean I should try harder and not give up.
All who succeed have tasted failure. Famous personalities like Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein had tasted failure before succeeding. What did they do when they failed? They just shrugged it off and moved on.
Those who have not tasted failure means they have not lived life on the edge. They have not pushed and stretched their god-given capabilities and abilities to the limit. They have yet to discover their hidden innate talents. And not forgetting, it is FUN to fail! Why? We can always reminiscence and laugh over all the silly bloopers we have made. That’s what make us human!
That’s Life!
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