Year End State Of The Company Address By The Group CEO, Luxor Network Sdn Bhd
I wish to welcome all Diamond Council Members to this Meeting at Genting Awana. This will be the last Council Meeting for the year 2001. Nevertheless it is the most important Council Meeting because this is the time of the year where we review what we have achieved and not achieved for this year coming to a close and also to plan for the next year 2002 .....read more
A Daughter's Tribute To Her Father…
It all started when two becomes one i.e. when my grandfather met my grandmother. That’s how these things start anyway…..well, isn’t it supposed to be this way? They believe in nine being the lucky number and therefore beget nine off-springs of which my father is lucky to be the No. 1 or unlucky depending on how one sees it. Well, the lucky part, as they say, being the eldest or 1st born, as well as being a son, he was showered and smothered with love for short of want. Unfortunately, the unlucky part, the status comes with heavy responsibilities like taking care of the other siblings that followed which my father shouldered with much fortitude and always a smile on his face.….read more
A Local Construction, Renovation & Interior Design Company
(This write-up should be used in conjunction with pictures and designs for a catalogue or a website).
Who are we?
We are a young dynamic full service builder. We design and build modern homes not houses and live buildings of classic or contemporary designs for living in the tropics. We provide the latest and best ideas and construction technologies for building and renovating ideal homes and buildings to the highest industry standards.....read more
We are a young dynamic full service builder. We design and build modern homes not houses and live buildings of classic or contemporary designs for living in the tropics. We provide the latest and best ideas and construction technologies for building and renovating ideal homes and buildings to the highest industry standards.....read more