The Party
It was a cool and lovely night. Five college students, although knowing full well the next day they have an important test, decided to relax and party. They drank and fooled around till late into the night. As a result, they were unprepared to take the test which was scheduled in the morning. One of them then came up with a bright idea to get the test deferred.
The Bright Idea
They conspired to get dirtied by rubbing themselves with grease and dirt. Looking exhausted and haggard, they walked up to the Dean and told him that they had gone to a wedding the day before and had a flat on the way back. Since they used the back roads on their return journey, they had to push their car for almost 20 kilometres. They were, therefore, in no condition to take the test. The Dean listened sympathetically and agreed they could sit for the test in two days. The five conspirators thanked him profusely and said they would be ready by then.
On the second day the conspirators trooped to the Dean’s room ready to take the test. The Dean was already waiting for them. The Dean remarked that since this was a special test, all five were required to sit in separate classrooms for the test. The conspirators looked nonplus and quizzically at each other. Nevertheless they were confident because they had prepared well with the time bought the last two days.
The Test
This Test Paper consists of only 2 questions with a total of 100 Marks.
Q1. Name of the car with the flat?
.......... .......... ......... (2 MARKS)
Q2. Which tyre burst?
a) Front Left
b) Front Right
c) Back Left
d) Back Right (98 MARKS)
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