This accompanying story is both poignant and significant. It is in reality the last lecture for a very young and brilliant professor, Randy Pausch. With a terminal diagnosis of pancreatic cancer (as he called it “the elephant in the room”) and given three to six months “of good health left”, he was asked to give “The Last Lecture”. He delivered a very uplifting and upbeat talk titled “The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” on September 18, 2007 at Carnegie Mellon. It became very popular on Youtube and a book called “The Last Lecture” co-authored by him became the New York Times best-seller.
Many would have thought being his last lecture he would showcase his brilliance and his worldly achievements. To the surprise of many, his reminiscences are over the realization of his childhood dreams and enabling the dreams of others. He talks about the importance of family and friendships. As he concludes, what is important is “It’s about how to live your life”. Most of us are so caught up with the business of living that it seems we are born to exist and not live as it should be, forgetting that life is so fleeting.
Watch his Youtube “The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams” in this link. The length of the video is about one and half hours. Or if you prefer reading, read his book “The Last Lecture”.
Who is Randy Pausch?
Randy Pausch is a Professor of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, and Design at Carnegie Mellon University. An award-winning teacher and researcher, he has worked with Adobe, Google, Electronic Arts (EA) and Walt Disney Imagineering and pioneered an innovative 3-D computer program that teaches programming to people through storytelling and inter-active game-playing, a non profit “Alice” Project.
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